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Sore Throat

A sore throat is a feeling of scratchiness and pain in throat. This leads to difficulty swallowing. The most common term in medicine is pharyngitis. Viral infection like cold, cough, and flu leads to throat infections. As we have noticed, the people suffering from coronavirus also showed the most common symptom is a sore throat.

Sore throat Key Points
CausesViral Infection, Laryngitis, Gastroesophageal Reflux
RemediesHydration, Rest, Steam Inhalation
Preventive OptionsHand hygiene, Avoid close contact, Avoid smoking
Treatment OptionsMedications(Ibuprofen), lozenges, Antibiotics
SpecialistENT Specialist

Pain in the throat sometimes hurts by eating cold or hot. You started to feel the scratchy feeling. This is called sore throat. Strep throat or streptococcal infection is caused by bacteria that require some treatments that we have mentioned in the treatment section. In addition, if a person has some allergic reaction, we could notice pain in the throat that leads to scratchiness. If you have any difficulty breathing, you must consult with a doctor. We have listed some major causes, symptoms, and treatment options that help you reduce the symptoms. 

Other Symptoms that come with sore throat

Symptoms of a sore throat are mentioned below.

  1. Pain or discomfort in the throat
  2. Scratchy or raw sensation in the throat
  3. Redness or swelling in the throat
  4. Difficulty swallowing
  5. Hoarseness or loss of voice
  6. Swollen or tender lymph nodes in the neck
  7. White or yellow patches on the tonsils
  8. A fever
  9. Fatigue
  10. Coughing
  11. Runny nose or congestion
  12. Headache

Sore Throat Types

Let's discuss one of the most common types of sore throat: strep throat vs sore throat. Many people do not know what it is and how we can distinguish between them. 

Strep Throat
This is mainly caused by the bacteria called Group A Streptococcus. The symptoms include no cough, sudden onset, swallowing pain, swollen lymph nodes, or mild fever. The treatment for strep throat is antibiotics. 

Sore Throat
The virus, allergens, and bacteria mainly cause this. You will notice common symptoms are cough, swollen and scratchy throat, body ache, and mouth sores. The sore throat treatments are gargles, warm liquids, humidifiers, and painkillers.

In this condition, the disease or symptoms spread through kissing or saliva. You will notice fatigue, fever, headache, swelling in the tonsils, and pain in the throat. 

Sore throat Causes

There are many reason of throat pain. This varies from virus to bacteria and disease conditions. Here are the most common causes of sore throat that we should know. 

1. Viral Infection

As virus is the most common cause of virus infection. We have listed some viruses that lead to the symptoms given in the following. 

  • Common cold
  • Influenza
  • Mononucleosis
  • Measles
  • Chickenpox
  • Mumps 

2. Bacterial Infection

Many bacterial infections cause pain in the throat. One of the most common bacteria is group A streptococcus bacteria. Other disease conditions like gonorrhea and chlamydia also cause discomfort throat. 

3. Dry Air

Dry air leads to the dryness of the air. Therefore, air should contain enough moisture that will not pull the water content from tissues and cells. Therefore, in winter, people suffer from more sore throats because of the dry air. 

4. Irritants 

There are many irritants in our surroundings. Everyone in their lifetime has suffered from irritants in their life once. Even bad habits like smoking, air pollution, chemicals, sprays, perfumes, and air fresheners cause sore throat. 

5. Injury

There are many injuries of the neck which lead to discomfort, like vocal cords and muscle injuries. If you are a singer, you are more at risk of having a sore throat because of singing loudly and for a longer period. 


Gastrointestinal reflux disease is when the stomach releases acid in the food pipe. This results in a burning sensation in the throat and causes heartburn and acid reflux. There is another word called silent reflux, which means laryngopharyngeal reflux, leading to a sore throat. 

7. Tumor 

A voice box or sore throat tumor could cause a sore throat. You will notice even tumors in the neck as the first sign. This needs proper treatment to recover from tumors which could also involve surgeries. 

8. Allergies 

Many people have low immunity, which leads to frequent episodes of allergies. Even many countries and cities have low air quality, which suffocates and irritated throat. The pollens and chemicals also cause problems in breathing as well. This leads to the deposition of thick mucus in the windpipe. So, it narrows down the air passage and irritated throat. 

Sore Throat Diagnosis

There are many ways that sore throats are examined. First, the doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms, medical history, and allergies. The doctor might touch your neck to see any lumps in the neck. The doctor also notices swelling, redness, and white spots. 

The further doctor will ask for throat cultures which are quite helpful in identifying the cause of the sore throat. This is followed by the swab, which is collected by lab personnel. The sample is mainly collected in the lab where culture is grown to check the bacteria or virus. 

It usually takes 24 to 72 hours for the results. Throat cultures help identify chlamydia or gonorrhea. A Mononucleosis spot test is where antibody tests are detected to know the mononucleosis's positive and negative results. 

There are other causes of sore throat as well. Your specialist is an otolaryngologist who will advise you for the test according to the symptoms and conditions of a person. The other tests are: -

  1. Throat scope - A small camera is inserted into the throat to better understand the condition of the throat and the tonsils.
  2. Laryngoscopy - This test uses a small camera to look at the larynx, or voice box, to check for any abnormalities causing the sore throat.

Treatment for Sore throat

There are many treatment options for throat pain medicine that you can include. We advise you to consult the doctor and follow the medications as per the course. Some of the for sore throat medicine that are used for over-the-counter medications are included in the following. 

  • Acetaminophen
  • Ibuprofen
  • Aspirin

Many medications contain aspirin that should not be given to the child because it may cause severe bleeding. The advice a doctor should take is aspirin. There are other treatments for sore in the throat like 

1. Throat sprays like antiseptic, like phenol or eucalyptus oil. 
2. Throat Lozenges
3. Cough Syrups 

The other disease conditions, which are liked to sore throat, are also mentioned. For instance, GERD includes: 

1. Antacids
These include Tums, Maalox, and Rolaids help to neutralize the acid in the stomach. 

2. H2 Blockers
Medications such as cimetidine and famotidine help reduce acid production in the stomach. 

3. Proton Pump Inhibitors 
This includes omeprazole or pantoprazole, which blocks the production of acid. 

If you think your symptoms have no improvement, you can see various complications like pneumonia, bronchitis, and fever. It would help if you visited the doctor. Antibiotics also help to reduce the sore throat in one day. However, dose and frequency are advised by the physician only. The doctor majorly advises penicillin or amoxicillin. 

Home Remedies

How to relieve itchy throat? You can follow for sore throat home remedies listed below with their benefits. If you have any problem with sore throat remedy at home, you can contact for expert advice. You can visit our experts, which provide optimum care. Let's find out what these are. 

1. Black Tea
Tea is one of the best ways to provide comfort to your throat. This black tea contains tulsi, ginger, clover, black pepper, cinnamon, honey, and turmeric. This is one of the best ways to relieve your throat. 

2. Honey 
Honey is a traditional remedy to cure sore throat that contains cough suppressants called dextromethorphan. It was also helpful in relieving the symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection. 

3. Saltwater Gargle
Gargling with warm salt water helps to soothe the tissues of the throat. Additionally, it kills bacteria. You can add a half spoonful of salt in a full glass of warm water for better results. Do it three times a day for better results. 

4. Fenugreek
There are many ways that you can reduce sore throat symptoms at home. One of these is fenugreek. It has the property of healing tissues and cells and reducing pain. 

5. Soup 
You can drink soup by adding garlic, and black pepper, which helps comfort your throat. This helps to improve the symptoms of respiratory infection and ease breathing. It reduces the inflammation of the throat as well. Chicken Soup is the most popular. That provides comfort to the throat. 

The Preventive Care for Sore throat

There are many ways you can prevent sore throat in the following. If you follow these steps, you may reduce the chances of symptoms. Let's explore what these preventive measures are. 

1. Hand hygiene 

It breaks the chain of infections. If you follow the proper steps of hand hygiene, that will help you to reduce bacterial and viral infections. 

2. Limit the contact

People suffering from respiratory problems and infections could also easily infect other people. Therefore, maintaining the proper distance from those patients is crucial, especially for children. 

3. Avoid Smoking 

As we have discussed above, smoking will lead to a sore throat. Even people who live in polluted cities are more prone to infection. Therefore, it is better to quit smoking. 

4. Wear a Mask

As we know, the mask is the physical barrier that protects us from unwanted bacteria and viruses. The virus is mandatory to wear, especially in crowded places. This also reduces inhalation of allergens from the mouth and nose, like pollen grains and dust. 

When to see a doctor

If your children suffer from sore throats, you must notify the warning signs in the following. However, we recommend you visit a pediatrician for the proper treatment. These include difficulty breathing, swallowing, and unusual drooling. 

If you are an adult, you will notice some serious symptoms, so a doctor visit is mandatory. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, we have listed some symptoms. 

  • High fever
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Severe pain in the throat
  • Swollen glands in the neck
  • White or yellow spots on the tonsils
  • Rash
  • Blood in saliva 
  • Hoarseness or loss of voice 
  • Chest pain
  • Lump in the neck
  • Earache
  • Joint Pain
  • Rash
  • Inflamed throat

Sore throat Doctors


If you have sore throat and are concerned about your health, it is important to seek immediate medical attention from a qualified sore throat doctor. A doctor specializing in treating sore throat, such as a ENT Specialist, would be the right health professional to consult.

Here is a list of Top verified doctors for sore throat. You can book an appointment with one to start your sore throat treatment today.

Dr. Barin Roy Chowdhury, ENT Specialist in

Dr. Barin Roy Chowdhury

Senior Consultant and HOD - ENT

61 Years of experience

20 Feedbacks

Manipal Hospitals, Dhakuria, Kolkata

Rs. 1,000 Consult Fees

Dr. P S Saharia, ENT Specialist in

Dr. P S Saharia

Senior Consultant - ENT

57 Years of experience

Max Super Speciality Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, Delhi NCR

Rs. 800 Consult Fees

Dr. Sandra Desa Souza, ENT Specialist in

Dr. Sandra Desa Souza

Director - ENT

56 Years of experience

11 Feedbacks

Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai

Rs. 1,500 Consult Fees

Sore throat Hospitals


A hospital can provide various services to help diagnose and treat your sore throat. If you are experiencing sore throat In that case, it is important to visit a sore throat hospital for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.

Check a list of Top Hospitals for sore throat treatment.

Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai

Sir HN Reliance Foundation Hospital and Research Centre, Mumbai

Multi Speciality Hospital

4.9 out of 5 stars(1702 Reviews)

Established in 1918

🛌345 Beds 5+ Doctors
Dr Mehta Hospital, Chetpet, Chennai

Dr Mehta Hospital, Chetpet, Chennai

Multi Speciality Hospital

5.0 out of 5 stars(87 Reviews)

Established in 1940

🛌220 Beds

5+ Doctors
Woodlands Hospital, Kolkata

Woodlands Hospital, Kolkata

Multi Speciality Hospital

4.7 out of 5 stars(89 Reviews)

Established in 1947

🛌230 Beds 5+ Doctors

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions and answers about sore throat.

How long does a sore throat last?

The duration of a sore throat can vary, but most sore throats caused by a viral infection will usually last for about 7-10 days. Sore throats caused by a bacterial infection may last longer and typically require treatment with antibiotics.

How do you cure a sore throat quickly?

To cure a sore throat quickly, you can try gargling with warm salt water, drinking plenty of fluids, using throat lozenges or sprays, and getting enough rest.

Can I spread a sore throat to others?

Sore throats caused by viral infections such as the common cold or flu are highly contagious and can be easily spread to others through respiratory droplets. Sore throats caused by a bacterial infection, such as strep throat, are also contagious and can be spread through respiratory droplets.

What causes a sore throat?

A sore throat can be caused by various factors, such as viral or bacterial infections, allergies, environmental irritants, or acid reflux.

Can you treat a sore throat at home?

Yes, most sore throats can be treated at home with over-the-counter pain relievers, drinking plenty of fluids, and getting plenty of rest. It's important to consult a healthcare professional if the sore throat persists or if you have other symptoms that concern you.

What is best medicine for sore throat?

The best medicine for a sore throat can depend on the underlying cause and severity of the symptoms. Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen, can help alleviate discomfort and reduce inflammation. Antibiotics may be prescribed for bacterial infections, but are not effective for viral infections.

Sore throat Patient Reviews


Reviews by patients on different.

Sore throatReview 1

K .Parsad

Manipal Hospital

Dr. Anuj Goel has been a wonderful experience for me. He is a cheerful, lively, and upbeat individual. He provides us with actual, actionable, and concrete solutions to our situation. I am quite comfortable discussing any topic connected to life with you. Both mam and sir are the most nicest people I've ever encountered. I am completely satisfied.

Sore throatReview 2

Shikha Jain

CARE Hospital

Dr. has been a wonderful experience for me. He is a cheerful, lively, and upbeat individual. He provides us with actual, actionable, and concrete solutions to our situation. I am quite comfortable discussing any topic connected to life with you. Both mam and sir are the most nicest people I've ever encountered. I am completely satisfied.

Sore throatReview 3

P.Harshith Rao

Manipal Hospital

My time with Dr. has been excellent. He is a cheerful, lively, and upbeat individual. He provides us with actual, actionable, and concrete solutions to our situation. I am quite comfortable discussing any topic connected to life with you. Both mam and sir are the most nicest people I've ever encountered. I am completely satisfied.

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