In this digital world, people mostly spend a significant amount of time using smartphones, laptops, computers, or TVs in their daily lives. One concern about these digital devices is the effect of the blue light they emit, impacting eye health, sleep quality, and mental health. Blue light glasses have emerged as the popular solution to prevent the negative consequences of blue light on the eyes and overall health. So, how do blue light glasses benefits the eyes?
Well, though there aren’t sufficient scientific studies to prove their effectiveness, still they can provide some advantages. By blocking and preventing the blue light from reaching the eyes, these glasses reduce digital eye strain, sleep disturbance, headaches, and eye fatigue. There are many more benefits of blue light glasses that we’ll discuss in our article in detail.
8 Amazing Blue Light Glasses Benefits
Wondering, "What do blue light glasses do?" Well, there are several benefits of blue light such as protecting your eyes, improving sleep quality, and more. Let's discuss them in detail.
1. Prevent Sleep Disturbance
Do you often use computers or laptops at night? Exposure to blue light, particularly in the evening, can interrupt the natural sleep-wake cycle of the body. According to the Sleep Foundation, blue light can reduce the production of melatonin, a type of hormone responsible for falling asleep. Using blue light glasses can help prevent this effect, allowing better sleep quality.
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Experts found that wearing blue light glass before going to sleep can avoid disturbance to sleep. In addition, it can enhance both the quality and duration of sleep. This makes it a valuable tool for people using the screens, especially at night.
2. Reduce Digital Eye Strain
People who spend a lot of time using electronic devices more often experience digital eye strain. The negative consequences of eye strain are headaches, dry eyes, eye fatigue, blurry vision, and neck & shoulder pain. Here, blue light-blocking glasses can filter out some parts of the blue light that is emitted by digital devices. This can lower the pressure on the eyes, relieving discomfort.
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Experts found that wearing these glasses for 2 hours while using a computer reduces strain, pain, and itching in the eyes compared to those people who didn't use such glasses. However, larger research is needed to confirm all these reports.
3. Protect Eye Health
Wearing blue light-blocking glasses when using electronic devices for an extended duration can prevent this light from reaching the eyes. This helps protect eye health for the long term. Though blue light glasses can't entirely block all the blue light, they can still reduce some amount. Over time, this, in turn, can protect the retina from any damage, thus, preserving eye health.
Did you know?
Some evidence claims that exposure to blue light for a longer period can damage the retina, causing age-related macular degeneration.
4. Manage Mood Disorders
As blue light glasses protect the natural sleep-wake cycle of the body, they regulate mood disorders. Moreover, sleep disturbance is also one of the potential symptoms of mood disorders. Here, these potent glasses might relieve this symptom. But, there is mixed evidence. Researchers find that out of 29 studies, only 2 studies report that the use of blue light glasses prevents manic symptoms in people living with bipolar disorder. Additionally, they noticed that the results were mixed. Hence, it requires a larger amount of research.
Did you know?
According to one study, blue light glasses can help regulate mood disorders like bipolar disorder.
5. Prevent Headaches & Migraines
Many individuals struggling with migraines and headaches report the long-term screen time triggers or worsening of the symptoms of headaches. The blue light and extreme brightness from digital devices can be the contributing factors. Blue light glasses can come as a rescue by filtering out the blue light. This can prevent the risk of headaches. Moreover, some people also find a huge relief by wearing these potent glasses when spending a lot of time in front of the screen.
Did you know?
The blue light glasses are designed with a specific coating that can block the blue light and prevent it from reaching the eyes.
6. Support Visual Comfort & Performance
For most people, blue light glasses can help enhance their visual comfort, especially when they are working with digital devices. These glasses have lenses, containing a little amber or yellow tint which can reduce strong light and increase contrast. This can ease the reading on screens, particularly when sitting in low-light environments. As they aid in improving visual clarity, they promise increased productivity & fewer distractions.
Did you know?
Wearing blue light glasses can prevent glare and improve contrast, thus, easing the reading on digital devices when in low-light settings.
7. Reduce Fatigue & Improve Focus
When eyes are continuously exposed to blue light, they can experience fatigue and decreased focus. By filtering some portion of the blue light, the blue light-blocking glasses might prevent mental fatigue. This, consequently, enhances focus, allowing people to work for extended hours without feeling mentally tired. Moreover, one research suggests that these glasses might also improve cognitive performance. This benefit helps during tasks that need more concentration & attention.
Did you know?
By blocking some blue light, these glasses can reduce eye fatigue and enhance cognitive performance.
8. Decrease Dry Eye Symptoms
Staring at digital screens for long hours can lower the amount of blinking. The blinking is responsible for producing tears that keep the eyes moist and fresh. With reduced blinking, there is a lack of production of tear film, leading to dry eye symptoms like burning sensation, redness, or watery eyes. Blue light glasses can prevent glare & light sensitivity, reducing strain and improving the blink rate.
Did you know?
According to One Journal, people with dry eyes who use glasses with 50% blue light lenses show improvement in their visual acuity. Well, visual acuity is generally a sharpness or clarity of the vision.
Are Blue Light Glasses Effective?
Yes, some evidence supports the effectiveness of blue light glasses on sleep quality & eye comfort. However, more studies are required to completely understand their long-term effects on eye health.
For some people, blue light-blocking glasses have shown amazing results, while for others they were ineffective.
However, the American Academy of Ophthalmology does not advise the use of blue light glasses, as no scientific proof is available that shows the damage to the eyes due to blue light.
Moreover, some studies show that individuals wearing blue light glasses & clear glasses experienced similar eye strain levels.
So, using the appropriate prescription glasses might be more essential than using blue light lenses.
Tips to Maximize the Benefits of Blue Light Glasses
You can consider the following tips to make the best out of blue light glasses:
Wear the glasses consistently: This reduces eye fatigue and strain if you use the screen for frequent and longer sessions.
Follow the 20-20-20 rule: Take a regular break from screens by following the 20-20-20 rule which is for every 20 minutes, and look at 20 feet distant things for around 20 seconds. This relaxes eyes and eases refocus.
Adjust screen brightness: Reduce the screen brightness, matching the lightning according to the sitting environment. Excessive brightness can strain the eyes even when wearing the glasses.
Use anti-glare filters: Along with blue light glasses use anti-glare filters if glare or reflection on the screen is disturbing you. This provides extra comfort.
Adjust room lighting: Adjust the lighting of the room as blue light glasses work effectively, especially in dimly lit environments. In dimly lit areas, the contrast between the surroundings & screen and the screen glare can cause excessive eye strain.
Limit your evening screen time: Limit your time by avoiding screen time 1-2 hours before bedtime. This can reduce the risk of blue light interrupting your sleep cycle.
Choose high-quality lenses: Choose quality blue light lenses as they can effectively filter out the blue light compared to cheaper ones.
Summing Up
We hope our article has helped you understand some potential blue light glasses benefits. Though some benefits are not scientifically proven, they can still help improve sleep, prevent eye strain, and support visual comfort. Always make sure to buy quality blue light glasses to enjoy the full advantages. However, if you experience continuous headaches, discomfort, and some other vision issues, consult eye specialists. They may recommend prescription glasses or other solutions by monitoring your eye condition.
अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों
Is it OK to wear blue light glasses all day?
Yes, you can wear blue light glasses the entire day as they have a coating that can block blue light and prevent eye damage.
What time should I start wearing blue light glasses?
You can wear the glasses in the evening time or when you use the digital devices before bedtime as they can interrupt your sleep cycle.
Why do blue light glasses make me dizzy?
This can be because the eye muscles might need more time to adjust to new lenses or you may be more sensitive to such glasses.
What are the negatives of blue light glasses?
Though these glasses when used in the evening can prevent blur light exposure, they might interrupt the sleep cycle when worn during the day.