MBBS, AB - Internal Medicine, AB - Medical Oncology and Hematology
Dr. Sankar Srinivasan is a Medical Oncologist in Apollo Hospitals Chennai. He has more than 2 decades of experience in his medical field. His area of expertise lies in Oral Cancer Treatment, Lung Cancer Treatment, Melanoma Treatment using Chemotherapy. Dr. Sankar Srinivasan completed MBBS from Government Stanley Medical College in Chennai followed by AB in Internal Medicine from Wayne State University and AB in Medical Oncology/Hematology from Cleveland University, Ohio. Further, he has undertaken fellowship of the American College of Physicians. He had also joined American Board for an advanced training programme in Medical Oncology, Haematology, and Internal Medicine.
Dr. Sankar Srinivasan has been an active member of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, American Medical Association Board Certified in Internal Medicine, and Oncology Council, Banner Baywood Medical Center Mesa. Dr. Sankar Srinivasan was awarded for securing a position in the top 3 percentile in medical school Board certified in Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology & Hematology and in the top 10 percentile in the Oncology boards. He was also awarded for distinction in Surgery, ENT, Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology and Ophthalmology in Medical school.
Dr. Sankar Srinivasan is a Medical Oncologist in Apollo Hospitals Chennai. He has more than 2 decades of experience in his medical field. His area of expertise lies in Oral Cancer Treatment, Lung Cancer Treatment, Melanoma Treatment using Chemotherapy. Dr. Sanka...