So small hands! feet! eyes and red lips!
Isn't it crazy that the baby you have been waiting for, for the past nine months has finally arrived? Yes, it is. But we also know that the thought of giving the first bath or figuring out a swaddle can make you feel nervous. Don't worry about Newborn care. This article will help you a lot. We are going to share some valuable Newborn baby care tips. The awareness about Newborn baby care before your baby arrives is most important.
We are celebrating the Newborn Baby Week (15-21 Nov.). This post will be our contribution to this event. So let's start the Newborn baby care tips.
Newborn Care Tips

1. Holding
Newborn babies may seem more delicate and fragile to you. But, don't be afraid to touch and hold your little one. A study shows that a baby held for about two hours per day will thrive better and cry less. So give time to your baby and hold them confidently.2. Bathing
Giving a bath to the infant is one of the biggest challenges for new moms. You can watch various videos to learn how to give a bath to the baby. Make sure that you have all the bathing supplies ready before undressing the baby. Most importantly, choose the right products for your baby. Research before applying anything to your little one's skin.3. Diaper Change
Many new parents don't know how to change the diaper, or how many diapers should be changed per day. To make it easier for you, stock up plenty of diapers before you bring your baby home. Don't forget about the nappy rashes. Most children between the age of 0-2 years develop nappy rashes. When you see the first sign of redness, without any delay, apply a safe yet effective cream to cure the rashes. It's better to consult your doctor for the right product.4. Comforting
On average, a baby cries for nearly 2 hours a day during the initial 3 months. This is normal for any baby. To make your baby comfortable, first, you need to figure out the cause of his/her discomfort. There could be many reasons:- The baby could be hungry
- He/she may have gas
- He/She needs a diaper changing
- The baby needs a nap
- Baby could be overstimulated by noise, lights or activity
5. Body Massage
Research has shown that massage can calm the body and make your baby feel comfortable. This improves a baby's sleep pattern and makes the baby less irritable. Several videos are available on the internet that can help you learn good massage technique. Massage is not possible without safe and effective oil. So choose something good for your child. You can also consult the doctor about this.6. Feeding and Burping
We all know that nothing is better for a newborn baby than breast milk. Full of nutritional - made for an infant. Unfortunately, sometimes mothers cannot breastfeed their babies. It could be due to some medical reasons or other special circumstances. You must consult your paediatrician on how to feed your newborn baby most effectively in such cases. As per the doctor's advice, burp your baby often because babies usually swallow air during feedings, which can make them fussy. Try burping your baby after every 2-3 ounces (60-90 millilitres), if you bottle-feed and each time you switch breasts if you breastfeed.7. Sleeping Basics
It's not easy to understand the sleeping timetable of the infant. The infant who needs you every minute sleeps more than 16 hours a day. Like adults, your baby also develops their sleep patterns and cycles. But keep in mind, always place babies on their backs, when sleeping, to reduce the risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). It's not easy to understand what your baby wants because they can't speak. Either they cry or smile. But as time passes, you get to know about the newborn care of your baby.Conclusion
In this blog, we have mentioned some of the tips that can guide you about Newborn care. We all know that a newborn baby is very delicate to handle, especially for a new mom. So we need to do research and learn about newborn baby care. We need to monitor their morning to night activities to analyze their schedules and habits. If your baby is struggling with an RSV infection, now is the right time to get an FDA-approved RSV vaccine for babies.
Never forget to see a specialist in any kind of emergency. Happy Newborn baby week from Credihealth. Do contact our medical experts for any kind of help and advice for you and your infant. For more information visit Credihealth or call our medical experts and get FREE medical assistanceReviewed by