
How to Relieve Indigestion: 11 Natural Ways to Get Rid of It.

Indigestion is a sign of other gastrointestinal issues, including an ulcer, hepatitis, or acid reflux. In this blog we discussed about how to relieve indigestion.

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Your favorite dishes can satisfy your taste. However, Indigestion may occur if you eat too quickly or consume too many of these meals. Indigestion symptoms include painful stomach fullness after eating and discomfort or itchiness in your upper stomach. Indigestion is a sign of other gastrointestinal issues, including an ulcer, hepatitis, or acid reflux. Many people will experience Indigestion at a certain point in their lives.  So, how to relieve Indigestion? Instead of looking for over-the-counter antacids to soothe your stomach, you could try regulating symptoms using home ingredients and herbs.

What is Indigestion?

Indigestion is a common term for pain in the top portion of your abdomen. Symptoms such as stomach ache, bloating, vomiting, or a starting to feel full usually appear shortly after eating. Indigestion, also known as dyspepsia, is very common. Indigestion, on the other hand, may indicate an underlying digestive problem, such as: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD), also known as heartburn Ulcers of the stomach Gallbladder dysfunction While certain health issues necessitate specialized treatment, numerous measures can be taken to alleviate indigestion symptoms.

What leads to Indigestion?

Indigestion does not always indicate the presence of underlying issues. It could be caused by your lifestyle habits, such as what you eat and drink, or the category of medicines you take. Indigestion will be caused by many factors, including:
  • Overeating or eating too quickly
  • Consumption of oily, fat-content, or spicy foods
  • Excessive consumption of fizzy drinks, caffeine, liquor, or chocolate
  • Smoking
  • Anxiety
  • Antibiotics, pain relievers, and iron supplements are examples of medications.
  • Consuming medicine or pills on an empty stomach.
Operational or non-ulcer dyspepsia is another condition. This is related to IBS, which is a frequent cause of Indigestion.

How to relieve Indigestion?

Some indigestion remedies can be tried at home, while others need the assistance of a doctor. A few adaptable options will include ways to complete those on your own and incorporate expert help from a healthcare professional.
  • Ginger -

Ginger can be a natural remedy to treat stomach problems such as Indigestion. Ginger has been shown in studies to increase the intestinal absorption rate in indigestion patients. To avoid gas, stomach issues, and throat burns, restrict your usage to 3 to 4 g per day. ginger
  • Drinking Lemon Water -

Lemon water has an acid effect that helps digestion by neutralizing stomach acid. Drink a teaspoon of lime juice in warm or hot water before eating. Lemon water is not only good for digestion, but it is also high in vitamin C. Be cautious not to overdo it, as too much lemon water can wear down the tooth enamel and cause increased urination. Wash off your mouth with normal water after drinking lemon water to protect your teeth.
  • Baking soda and water -

Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate is found in some over-the-counter antacids, such as Alka-Seltzer. Sodium bicarbonate neutralizes the acid in the stomach and temporarily relieves Indigestion and heartburn. Mix 12 teaspoons with half a cup of water and drink. According to a study, adults should consume at most seven teaspoons of baking soda in a day, at most three and a half teaspoons if they are over 60.
  • Aloe Vera -

Aloe vera is an efficacious treatment for a variety of indigestion symptoms, including:
  • Heartburn.
  • Flatulence.
  • Regurgitation of acid.
  • Regurgitation of food.
  • Belching.
  • Nausea.
  • Having difficulty swallowing (dysphagia).
In one study, people with indigestion problems were given 10 milliliters of aloe juice daily for four weeks. Aloe was accepted by all individuals and lowered the severity and frequency of their gastrointestinal symptoms. aloevera
  • Peppermint -

Peppermint is more than a breath freshener; it also helps relieve stomach problems such as nausea and Indigestion. Take a peppermint tea or swallow some peppermint leaves after your meal to relieve your stomach quickly. It is critical to understand that if your gastrointestinal discomfort is induced by acid reflux, you should avoid drinking or eating peppermint because it can cause intestinal alkaline to flow through the esophagus and worsen the condition. 
  • Apple Cider Vinegar - 

Consuming Apple cider vinegar has gained popularity in recent years as an at-home remedy for a variety of ailments. Along with its highly acidic substance, it may aid digestion and food breakdown. There is limited scientific proof that it is an effective and safe treatment for heartburn or Indigestion. Before using Apple Cider Vinegar, consult your physician or health professional.
  • Chamomile flower tea -

Chamomile tea is most frequently used to assist with sleep and anxiety, but it can also relieve acid reflux and discomfort by lowering acid in the stomach in the gastrointestinal system. Chamomile's anti-inflammatory properties help to alleviate pain. Chamomile tea is available in most supermarkets. Allow 1 or 2 teabags to steep in boiling water for 10 minutes. You can add honey for a better taste.
  • Using Fennel seeds -

Fennel seeds, commonly consumed after meals in India, are a spasmodic herb that can relieve indigestion symptoms and other gastrointestinal issues such as stomach cramps, nausea, and bloating. The health benefits obtained from fennel seeds, chewing them after meals, or making fennel tea. To make the tea, steep 12 tablespoons of fennel seeds for 10 minutes in water. Allow cooling before drinking.
  • Root of Licorice -

Because it includes components that help reduce swelling in your digestive tract, licorice can help cure Indigestion immediately. While experts aren't sure how the plant helps ease stomach upset, evidence suggests it enhances food passage through the digestive system. To treat Indigestion, chew licorice root or soak it in hot water to make tea. But be cautious not to overdo it. Higher doses of licorice might create electrolyte imbalances, so keep to 2.5 grams or less daily.
  •  Consume Healthy Fats -

Fatty and greasy foods have been linked to aggravated indigestion signs (including heartburn symptoms). Even though research shows that adding saturated fatty acids with unsaturated fats, such as those found in plants, fish, and several nuts and seeds, may help to alleviate acid reflux symptoms.
  • Take a steamy bath or use a hot compress -

Heat can help relieve Indigestion by relieving tension, cramping, and bloating. When you're making preparations for bed and digestive problems occur, a warm shower will help you relax and unwind and give indigestion relief quickly.  This is especially true when combined with one of the previously-mentioned gastrointestinal treatments. If you don't like baths and it's late at night, apply a warm pack or heat pack to your abdomen area to help relieve cramping and pain.

Conclusion -

You don't have to suffer from Indigestion all the time. Stomach pain can cause chaos in your life, but it doesn't have to. Check out these home treatments to see if they help, but consult a doctor if you have any concerns. The FDA does not oversee the quality of plants and medicines, so do your research.