
Unique Benefits of Perineal Massage During Pregnancy

Perineal massage in pregnancy can have several benefits, including reducing the risk of perineal trauma & reducing perineal pain after childbirth. Read more!

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Perineal massages in pregnancy are one of the best ways of reducing muscle tears during delivery. When performed at the right time and with the proper technique, these can be worth so much. These perineal massages can include the genital area, stretching of the tissues, and shaping of the birth canal.  The benefits of this can be related to new robust scientific, and ancient practices researchers have studied. These can indicate that if done regularly in the last 3 to 4 weeks, it increases the chances of delivering normally, resulting in decreased chances of tearing. So in this blog, we will focus on all the benefits of a perineal massage in pregnancy.

Why are perineal massages in Pregnancy required?

perineal massage in pregnancy Perineal muscles are located towards the end of the vagina, and these muscles usually tear up while giving birth. When these perennial muscle tears occur, they require stitching which can lengthen the recovery time post-delivery and can often cause scarring and pain or urinary and fecal issues that can negatively impact your life after childbirth.  The good news is that only 5 to 15 minutes of exercise per day can have benefits that can last for several weeks and can prevent trauma to perineal tissues during childbirth. Also Read: Get Your Sex Life Back On Track After Childbirth

Perineal massage can help prepare for delivery-

  • The perineal massages in pregnancy can require you to include the vaginal and birth canal tissues of the perineal area to become a solid pelvic floor. 
  • This can allow you to walk upright and prevent urination whenever you sneeze or cough
  • It is essential to make these tissues strong and prepare them for childbirth.
  • Unfortunately, the perineal tissues of many women can lack flexibility and can stretch during pregnancy.
  • These massages can help keep the perennial tissues flexible and supple and prepare them to relax and expand naturally during delivery. 
  • These massages can help practice breathing and prevent the burning sensation of perineal stretching. Which can help make females more confident and relaxed for delivery.
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Perineal massage offers a range of benefits-

Around 40 to 50 percent of females can encounter a degree of tearing in the vaginal birth. These tears require stitches and can damage the perineal, leading to issues with the body's pelvic floor, like urinary or fecal issues, uterine prolapse, and sexual discomfort. Some benefits of perineal massages in pregnancy -
  1. It helps prepare the perineal tissues, and this massage can increase blood flow with stretching with ease and less pain during childbirth.
  2. It can help lower the tearing. One in fifteen one have observed less tearing with the help of this massage.
  3. Women who regularly do perineal massages do not need an episiotomy or tear that requires stitches.
  4. These massages can Lower the risk of tearing. That may reduce the need for stitches, meaning massaging the perineal may take lesser tearing.
  5. It can help those who have had surgeries previously.
  6. This can prepare the woman for a vaginal birth and attach the area that stretches the most during delivery. 
  7. It can allow the woman to focus on relaxing and learning the sensation they may encounter. That can help develop the feel of a child's birth mentally and physically.
You should consult your healthcare provider for more details about perineal massages. These massages can help reduce the chances of second and third-degree tears while delivering. Also Read: What Causes a Cyst in the Ovaries During Pregnancy?

Just a few minutes of perineal massage can produce benefits-

As mentioned above, a perineal massage in pregnancy has many advantages. It can be awkward, even painful, at first, but then it will become easier and more comfortable with prediction.  Just a few minutes of perineal massage can help stretch the perineal tissues and can help prevent perineal trauma or tearing during the delivery. This pain and discomfort for many months and years can follow post-birth. Also Read: What Do Contractions Feel Like? Signs of Labor Pain

Instructions and tips while performing perineal massages-

As mentioned in the blog, the perineal massage in pregnancy can start from the 34th week of the pregnancy, and you should consult with the healthcare provider and check if you can start getting the massages.  This message should be given for up to 5 minutes, Your partner can help you perform a perineal massage on yourself, but it would be better to let your partner do the massage. Ensure you are developing the routine of stretching the perineal muscles, and don't be discouraged if you have missed a few days. Also Read: Pregnancy Preparations

Keep these points in mind-

  1. Before beginning a perineal massage, washing your hands and trimming the nails is essential.
  2. Find a comfortable position that allows the place to be within proper reach. It can be done from the front and the back of the position.
  3. Sitting propped up in the bed with bent knees can also help, and squatting can help with perineal massages in pregnancy.
  4. Feel free to use any position you find comfortable during the massage once you become uncomfortable or tired.
  5. Pour a teaspoon of massaging gel into the finger and apply it on the perineal after taking care of the thumbs and fingers and apply it to the perineal. 
  6. Taking care of proper lubrication can also help.
  7. Using gels can help massage the comfort more and can also help hydrate the perineal. 
  8. Avoid using natural oils as this product can be oxidative and increase vaginal infections. Also, avoid using water-based lubricants.
  9. For best softening and stretching, ensure that you use enough gel to keep the tissues throughout the massage. Then, if needed, you can reapply.
  10. Perineal massage in pregnancy can be done with either the thumb or index fingers or the middle finger. Insert the thumbs of the finger about an inch inside the perineal membrane or tissue and keep resting the palms on the insides of the legs.
  11. The goal is to stretch and massage the back of the birth canal down with nausea and apart from side to side, and you can put more pressure slowly and slowly. Press the thumbs gently, allowing them to pull each side to the other.
  12. Several times during the massage, hold the stretches in position and relax the muscles in the area.
These massages are crucial to prevent third or fourth-degree tears. If you have any doubts about the massage, consult your health care providers. Read Also: Can Genes Affect Your Pregnancy? Also Read: Healthy Pregnancy Meals: Recommended Diets for Pregnant Women


Perennial tissues are located at the back of the birth canal and are stretchable tissues that are ripped once the pressure from the head of the baby becomes too much for it to handle while giving birth. These tears require stitches and can even be related to many problems after childbirth.  Hence, perineal massage in pregnancy is an excellent solution to these problems. That is a great option for pregnant women to prevent pain and bleeding. Thus, you should consult with best gynecologist in Delhi about perineal massages in pregnancy and start them from the 34th week of the pregnancy. Also Read: How to stop a one-month pregnancy?

Frequently Asked Questions

At what week can one start with perineal massage?

Performing perineal massage can take from 34 weeks of pregnancy and is proven to stretch the skin and the muscles around the perineal to stretch during childbirth and will reduce the tearing or the need for an episiotomy.

Can perineal massage be used to induce labor?

There is no clinical evidence to demonstrate that perineal massages can induce labor, but they do not engage the muscles and therefore do not trigger contractions.

What is the best time to do a perineal massage?

It can be recommended to start massaging the perineal area any time after 35 weeks of pregnancy, and the massage should last at least three to four times a week. However, it can be related to undertaking perennial massages for as little as once or twice a week for 35 weeks can give many benefits.

How to know if one is doing a perineal massage correctly?

Use gentle pressure on them as you massage the area and focus on rhythm motion rather than the fingers. Breathe in and out continuously and can feel a slight burning sensation in the area. Make sure that the massage is not painful.